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Actionable Leadership Intelligence Instrument


The ALII-Map® process is a research-based, statistically valid leadership instrument that helps mid to senior level leaders gain powerful clarity about the strength of their influence, and helps organizations enhance the ongoing effectiveness of leaders as they advance.

Measures Influence
Helps mid-to senior level leaders gain powerful clarity about the strength of their leadership influence
Highlights Blindspots
Highlights potential blindspots that may hinder leader effectiveness
Brings Actionable Results
Brings awareness to meaningful actionable behavior shifts
Identifies Effective Behaviors
Provides measurable insight into behaviors tied to senior level job success
Measures Relationship Strength
Provides insight into whether others experience the leader in the way they hope and intend
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Objective Leadership Assessment through Observable Behaviors

Rather than only focusing on the skills of personal influence as most leadership assessments does, it incorporates enterprise-level leadership competencies – those needed to create engagement, organizational resonance and high performance.

It’s based on behavioral feedback of what’s actually demonstrated and observed, rather than on ratings or subjective value judgments.

It can be paired with our LeaderNavTM tool to map leadership potential and skill gaps comparatively across groups. It can be used to make strategic investment decisions based on the most critical needs and trends among groups, creating high performing organizations through leadership development.

Why does your organization need it?​

Most successful companies face the need at some time to quickly develop highly effective leaders in complex environments. These future leaders face escalating requirements for enterprise and integrative behaviors and skills. With today’s multi-location, multi-function, cross-cultural, and changing teams demand-  leaders are relying more heavily on emotional intelligence, transformational leadership and relationship-based skills in order to foster success.

Our ALII-Map® Leadership instrument is the perfect solution as it will allow your organization to manage complexity, as well as, discern how individuals impact the organization in driving growth and profitability.

What Our Leadership Process Offers to Leaders

Mastering the skills of authentic influence is critical, especially for leaders in mid to senior level roles. Research shows that 80-95% of senior level job success is tied to relationship-based and emotional intelligence skills.

In most senior level roles, technical skills are only required for fluency and perception. In addition, certain types of roles have especially high relationship requirements, such as sales, marketing and project leadership. The ALLI MapTM helps leaders to gauge the impact they have on others and measure the effectiveness of that influence.

It is Designed to Illuminate

Personal Style

ALII MapTM helps in self discovery and understanding differences to enhance leader flexibility and effectiveness within their own style.

Organization Engagement

It shows how leaders work with the entire system of organization, leads change in the organization, others, and self.

Personal Credibility

The ALII MapTM  predicts the extent to which superiors, peers and subordinates in the organization accept the leader.

Individual vs Enterprise


ALII MapTM Individual leadership report focuses on the leader’s self efficacy in teams and individually.


ALII MapTM Enterprise focuses on how the leader engages with the organization as well as with teams and individuals.

What is Measured in ALII-Map® Leadership Assessment?

How it Works

Removing the bias

ALII-Map®  leadership reports are uniquely situated to succeed because its patent-pending technology is built on years of academic research and 1000s of leaders who have used it.

Who is it for?

What is included?


Show Behaviors of Influence
ALLI Map is focused on leadership development and the behaviors of influence, including Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Styles, and Perception Factors and provides interval ranked responses.
Identifies Derailers
The ALII-Map also assesses any behaviors that might diminish influence, called “Derailers”
The ALII Map measures 8 primary domains of leadership that most relate to a leader's ability to interact with others. It utilizes approximately 140 questions for raters, and 240 for the assessment participant.
Valid and Reliable
The ALII-Map is underpinned by our patented EGL-AI leadership intelligence and has proven to be valid and reliable.
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Chart Your Leadership Path

use our Leadership instrument and Lead with Clarity