Our Technology

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Drawn from extensive research and numerous engagements around the globe, our cutting edge technology is designed to skyrocket leadership and organization effectiveness.

Our innovative ALII® products remove bias from the leadership assessment process, allowing organizations to identify and develop their most talented individuals with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Meet ALII®

Actionable Leadership Intelligence Instrument

ALII® is a patented AI-enabled instrument that measures the specific leadership behaviors shown to create organization effectiveness.

Our unmatched ALII® products are integrated to develop leadership pools, create overall development plans, plan leader succession, and even identify potential promotions.





The ALII Method®

The ALII Method® originated from over a decade of work designing high performance work systems. This work led to the realization of the critical impact of leadership styles on organization performance.

After over 30 years of action research, our technology supports the reality that a certain brand of leadership inspires people to action.

Our Products